Tuesday, 16 March 2010

fruit, juicy fruit. My saviour


The last 2 weeks has been quite confusing for me.

After making all my delicious gourmet foods i felt very ill. I ate too much, late at night, when i wasn't hungry and i felt sick and i had the runs.
For the last week my stomach has felt very heavy and bloated and i lost my appetite.
Ive had numerous comments about it:

'You need a hot meal inside of you'
- Yeah, like heat is going to make me feel better! Yeah, why dont i just cook my insides and eat dead food...this will liven me up a whoooole lot! Mum, if you dont have anything constructive to say..shut the hell up!

'You've poisoned yourself'
- Yes, i have eaten too much heavy, rich food, and my body didn't want/need it. I didn't poison myself... if i wanted to do that i would have cooked it first!

' You need to start eating properly'
- Yeah, eating fat, disease, cholesterol laden animal products, dead, lifeless veg, heavy grains, processed meals and junk food is going to give me the best life possible. You start to feel so good and become like everyone else... in pain, diseased, depressed, lethargic, constipated, etc etc etc. I could just go on.

For fuck sake, this is the second time i have been ill in 3 years! Give me a fucking break! How about we see how many times you get ill and then lets see who is calling the kettle black!?

I am feeling ok now though. A bit weak and tired. My blood sugar is fucking me around. going high all the time. Although i think it is because for the last week i have done no exercise at all.. which is never good, especially for me.
I am looking forward to being back to normal so i can cycle everywhere and run around as normal!

One good thing to come out of this though is i have been doing a lot of net surfing and reading up more about 80/10/10. I have been reading Freelees blog and i find it very interesting and also very true. Now that girl eats ALOT of fruit.. but she also exercises alot. She has a great, toned body and that is and always has been one of my biggest goals...to get washboard abs!

We are have been programed to think that fruit sugars are bad for us and in large quantities will make us fat, rot our teeth etc but as of yet, i have seen no sign of this in an 80/10/10 follower. I have only seen people get fat when they have combined fruit and fat.

So Here we are again...seems to be back where i was all those months ago...trying a high fruit LOW FAT diet.
Just properly this time, with guidelines! I think i know what im doing a bit more now... well, more than 5 months ago lets hope!

I love the idea of eating fruit, fruit and more fruit! I still have it in my mind that i will get fat (which is the last thing i want to do)but i need to trust myself and just go for it.
In Freelee's post she said she put on a bit of weight first for a few months (although this is guna be mostly water weight)but then it came off her.

Id like to gain a bit more muscle. Im fairly athletic anyway, i just have a roll of fat covering my otherwise AMAZING abs..and i want this GONE GONE GONE!!!!

Peace out x

I finally have my perfect body i have always wanted (muscle and sculpture wise) i just need to loose the fat now.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

The sun brings out my creative side


Its been lovely and sunny here in the UK and it defenatly brings out my creative side.
Its strange, in winter i feel like i want to eat light and simply, but as soon as the sun comes out and i get the summer bug, i suddenly want to eat heavier and get more creative food wise.

I decided to do a few gourmet style recipes this weekend which turned out very well.
I was going to make a chocolate sauce, which went wrong, and instead i got a fudge/brownie mixture!!!! it was AMAZING AND TOTALLY DELICIOUS!

So far i have just mixed it with goji berries but i have many different things i could make with it

Im looking forward to making a seed energy bar, which i think would work very well.

I made Nut balls, fugde/brownies and chololate and fig cheesecake. All of which are delicious if i do say so myself! (photos will be added at some point!)

I bought a spiralizer also, and made my first spaghetti and sauce today and LOVED IT! It has rekindled my love of pasta, and i love that i can made raw pasta that taste just as good as the bad kind!

My leg is getting better so im looking forward to starting to do more exercise. Its been driving me nuts not being as active as usual.

I hope to get some photos up soon


Sunday, 28 February 2010

Frost kills so why freeze?

Hey there :)

I cant remember where i read it but i remember reading a passage somewhere about not eating frozen foods. It wasn't a new piece of nutritional/raw literature written by one of the 'leaders' of raw living, but rather from an old text.
It mentioned something along the lines of not eating anything exposed/heated by fire or frozen and not eating animals. Very vague i know but you catch the drift! (if you know what passage of text i am on about feel free to post it to me!)

Now i know what damage heat does, which is of course is why i eat raw but i thought 'whats wrong with freezing raw foods? One of my favorite foods when i first turned raw was frozen banana, berries and raw ice cream, which i do admit, helped me enormously.
I haven't eaten anything frozen for a long time now, i haven't even thought about it.

It occurred to me the other day (yes, the light bulb just went off in my head!) why we shouldn't eat frozen foods.

If you are a gardener, or are at all interested in plants you know that frost kills alot of plants. Leaves and fruit die..which obviously isn't good! And a freezer is colder than a frost! So what is freezing going to do to the food? It is destroy and kill alot more of the goodness and life force than people think, so just bare this in mind when you go to freeze that lovely living fruit and veg!


'normal' people think im crazy! Rawvolution

Hello everyone!

Sorry i haven't blogged for a while, i have been very busy job hunting and doing work for my NVQ.

Well i suppose its time for an update to let you know what has been going on!

I seem to have caught the 'exercise bug' I cant stop exercising! I have always been active and have done sports or gone to the gym, but now i just want to do and try everything. I love using my body to the best of its ability. I love to push myself to the limit. I have boundless energy and i want to use it! why not? my body is athletic and strong and can cope with it, in fact it is flourishing.
One thing which keeps me focused towards my goals is remembering that it is MY body, mine,i am the sole owner. It is the one thing i will have that is truly mine, so why not make it the best damn body it could ever be? You would have the best car and house if you could, so why neglect your body?

So what am i doing?
cycling ( hill work approx 10ish miles round trip to work)
physical job
Horse riding

Want to try
kick boxing
pole dancing
break and street dancing

Have done and want to start doing again
martial arts
body balance

The only thing that is stopping me is that i have to wait until i get a new job so i can afford to do all these things!

The Parkour aka freerunning (moving freely though out the city) is a new thing i am doing. Unfortunately during the warm up i killed my thighs so they have been VERY stiff for a week now which is a personal record! I have been taking it easy and resting. I have just started doing light exercising again. Once my legs are healed there will be no stopping me! Its been killing me not being able to exercise like i normally do, i want to practice my parkour so i am better for my next lesson, but with a week off its really put me behind.

I also bought a bike recently. its a carrera crossfire with 500c tyres. Its a hybrid bike but it is leaning more towards a road bike. It is my baby! I love him. He is called 'the green machine.' When i get a bit more money, i am getting a load of bumper stickers off the Internet. They will be advocating raw foods and vegan lifestyle so i will be sticking them all over my bike :)

Every one seems to think i am crazy and that i have a problem because i enjoy exercising so much...how strange! i am keeping fit and this is bad?

Back to raw foods!

I have been experimenting with my easting habits recently. I have been high fat and then high fruit and then back to high fat, before working out what i needed to eat.

High fat was very nice. I love avocado and coconut but it just wasn't something that i was able to keep up. It was having a negative effect on my body. I was always having the runs which obviously isn't pleasant and i also but on a few pounds which is the opposite of what i want really.
Its good to have 1 or 2 days a week where you have a coconut or a nice avocado meal, but to consume fat everyday is just something i do not think is healthy..well not for me anyway.

High fruit of course is great for a bit and some people can strive on this diet, but i think mentality has something to do with this as well.

I love eating fruit and when i go to the big market every week there is so much choice and amazing deals i cant help but get loads. What happens is i get fruit which i love and then i will eat it all within 3-4 days. It is not healthy to scoff fruit like i do. It makes me bloated, gassy and makes my teeth sensitive. I cannot eat the fruit i was buying sensibly because i can some times be a right pig and just stuff myself.

There are fruits which i wont scoff such as apples, pears, melon, grapefruit, pomegranates and plums, so when i went to the market i only bought these. I have loads of greens and these fruits so i will eat them sensibly and feel good. Its worked so far. I am not eating to the point of feeling uncomfortable and i still have tonnes of energy.

I feel good now and i hope that this will only improve my fitness.

anyway thats enough for one post!

take care
peace x

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

My package has arrived! super foods not so super?!

My wonderful box arrived today from http://www.detoxyourworld.com/acatalog/
which included; 100g Maca root
100g Carob powder
1Fl oz Marine phytoplankton-- see for benefits www.thebestfoodever.com/oceans-alive
142g Natures living superfood-- see for benefits http://www.detoxyourworld.com/acatalog/nls.html
20g crystal manna flakes-- see for benefits http://www.ancientsuninc.com/crystalmanna

I added some NL super food and Crystal manna to my juice this morning, and i have to admit, it was a bit like drinking pond water..! Im sure the flavour will grow on me..well i hope so, im meant to double the dosage at some point!
I am pleased with the MPP (marine phytoplankton) i added 6 drops in a glass of water with some lemon juice and within minutes i got an energy rush. Im still buzzing now! I will have it in the morning and before bed i think. It will help the cells repair and assist my body in doing what it needs to do at night i hope.
I will not continue on with BOTH NLSF and CM as i cant afford them, especially with the price of MPP, so we will have to see which one i prefer. I must admit, i am taken back and impressed at the amount of ingredients in NLSF though.

Now the carob and maca are a different story!
Somebody should have warned me....and i wouldn't have WASTED £3.55 each on them both!!
I was really looking forward to trying them, seeing as i like cacao so much. I though these would be nice too...but oh no, my tastebuds dislike.
Now i have to find something to wo with 100g of maca and carob powder!

Anyhoo i also bought some PH strips to test myself. I was 7.5 (great!) and then 6.5.....and then 6! whats going on i thought..ive eaten nothing but green foods all day!
A bit taken back by this, i did a little research and some questioning and apparently fat can cause the body to go acidic. Now i am eating up to 2 avocados a day, which IS a lot of fat, especially for a raw foodie like myself, so next week when the avo's have ran out, i will reduce my fat intake and see where that takes me. Ive been wanting to do that anyway, so here's a good excuse!

I also have ordered a couple of books. David Wolfe's 'eating for beauty' and 'sunfood diet success systems' which i am really looking forward to receiving.
I also have received Enigma, the cross of changes. I just LOVE that CD so i have been listening to it at bed time and have been drifting off nicely into my sleep, where recently the oddest dreams have been awaiting me! You know what, ive researched them, and they are all mean bad things! great!!!!

anyway im tired and my enigma CD awaits!

Thursday, 21 January 2010

More food

Crust (dates, almonds, walnuts, partially dried apricots)
Sliced banana
Filling (flaxseed powder, mangos, banana)
decoration- sliced kiwi, blueberry and passionfruit

Tropical sun pie

Green salad

Some of my food

Tomato and red pepper stuffed with avocado and mixed bean sprouts

Nut burger (almonds, walnuts, flaxseed, pinenuts), avocado and a pinch of cayenne pepper, tomato and lettuce wrap

Lovely avocado!

Carrot, apple, red pepper, beetroot, ginger juice, YUMMY!

Apple, raspberry (blueberry is good too!), flaxseed, dried coconut flakes, crushed soaked almonds, little lemon juice

Big update!!!!

Hello all,
Ive been meaning to blog, but i just have not got round to it I'm afraid.
Things have been going well, Ive eaten all of those avocados, which i very much enjoyed! I went to the market last week and bought some huge avos for 50p each! They are so delicious too, i could just eat them every day (and would if they were ripe!)

Im only eating 1 coconut per week. I only just realised that they were 70% fat! No wonder why i stopped loosing weight! Im still eating avocados because they are not as high in fat and because i love mixing them with cabbage or lettuce, and i have that whenever i have a ripe avo. It helps me eats lots of greens in a dish that i completely love and could live on!
I also have cut my date addiction down! I only have them once or twice a week now. I very nearly bought a 5kg box of them, but i told my mum not to ask for it! I just know i will end up binging on them which is never good. Every food in moderation, this i have found to be very true.

I have just spent the earth on some things i have been wanting for sooo long!
Maca powder, carab powder, Natures living superfood, Crystal manna, oceans alive phytoplankton (all from detoxyourworld.com)
and also PH strips, Eating for Beauty, Sunfood diet success systems and complete book of raw foods. These should keep me bust for a while! Im so looking forward to getting them. I will give you the verdict on them when i have used them.
Ive been especially looking forward to having the phytoplankton, as i have heared that it is an amazing, nutrient dense food(kinda) containing all 8 amino acids.

I also discovered i cant eat broccoli (well i could if i wanted to...) I find it very hard to digest. It makes me bloated, gassy and have cramps. It also depletes all my energy. So i will not be eating broc. Too many kiwis also arnt good for me, it burns my mouth, as does pineapple, even if ripe. Its too much acid for me. It bloats me and burns my mouth badly, which then causes me to have bad sores at the side of my lips for a week. I'll have a little pineapple now and again, just not too often anymore.

I get Eva Rawposas news bites by email, and i listened to her sound clip about the strange things she does in the shower (nothing dodgy here!)
She is training her body to warm itself up by having hot and cold showers. I tried this. After exfoliating etc, i turned the shower cold for 30 secs and then hot for 30 secs, i did this for a few times. Now this may seem like torture, esp in January, but i found it really fun actually! I could turn the shower colder as i got used to it, and then the next day felt really warm, even though it was only like 3C! I think your meant to feel the benefits after a couple of weeks, but i could feel it straight the way. Its defiantly worth a go if you can handle it!!! I DARE you!!

Anyway im off to bed now!
Take care and stay raw vegan!

Sunday, 10 January 2010

avocado, avocado, avocado and mangos as big as yer head!

Good evening.

Well my diet hasn't exactly gone to plan...Some how i ended up in the possession of around 34 avocados! They have all ripened pretty quickly, so i have been having around 4 a day (with no negative effects!)

My fave recipe this week:

Vegetable greens

Just mash up avo, shred greens and dice tomatos...mix and enjoy!

I have actually been enjoying the avocados, its been a nice change from the coconuts, although i really do miss them!

From monday, even though i still have 4-5 avos left i will be controlling my eating a little better.
I have loads of fruit, about 30 satsumas, 10 bananas, 3 mangos (2 of which are HUGE!) about 17 kiwis and a few apples and pears.

Even though i have so much, they were actually really cheap from the market. i <3 the market! Its fab!

anyway i dont have too much to tell right now, so will update you soon!

peace out x

Saturday, 2 January 2010

What i eat

hello friends
I'm going to write this post on what i eat on average, how its working out for me and what i want to change.

My shopping list consists of:
coconut- eat
dates- eat
goji berries- eat
kiwi- eat
satsumas- eat
apple- juice
banana- eat
baby leaves- eat
lettuce- eat
celery- juice
cucumber- juice
carrots- juice
broccoli- eat/juice
beetroot- juice
red cabbage- juice
lemon and lime- juice
ginger- juice
beansprouts- eat
tomato's- eat
avocados- eat
Red pepper- eat/juice

some times i will get berries, other root veg, fresh herbs, radishes and anything else i want to try juicing. I don't always get these foods every week, but these are the most popular and regular foods i will have in my diet.

Daily eating:
7.00am- 1 pint of vegetable juice
10.30am- a small snack like some cucumber or celery
1.00pm- a big salad and if I'm still hungry, 1 piece of fruit
5.00pm- 1 pint of vegetable juice
evening- i tend to snack in the evening. mainly on fat like avocado or coconut and also fruit.

In the morning after my juice, i have so much energy. I feel so energised, bouncing and glowing. I feel great! I have only been drinking juice since Christmas but it has made SUCH a difference already, i cannot stress to you enough how big a difference juicing has made. I threw myself into juicing a bit to quickly, and my body is still adjusting to it and I'm still adjusting the juicing to my body. This is my main form of getting nutrients into my body now. Id love to do a juice fast soon, i think it would be so much fun.

Throughout the day i feel good and energised. Eating greens out the day makes me feel good, but if i eat 1 piece of fruit during the day then i will crave fruit so badly it will drive me nuts, so i only tend to eat greens while I'm at work, and this provides me will all the energy i need.

The evening is where i have a problem. I love to eat and i over eat when I'm not active. I will eat to the point of feeling sick and it not good for me.

My new years resolution is to stop eating when i am full, and i have also drawn myself an eating chart.

Monday- nuts and seeds
Tuesday- no fat
Wednesday- Avocado, seeds or Brazil nuts
Thursday- no fat
Friday- no fat
Saturday- coconut or avocado + dates (if not fasting)
Sunday- if not fasting, fats can be eaten in lieu of sat
* If doing a 2 day fast, fats cannot be be eaten on any other day in lieu of the weekend*

I feel good, and lighter when i eat low fat and the only reason i seem to be eating more fat is because i cut down my fruit intake alot. I used to be eating fruit for breakfast, then as a snack, another piece at lunch and then in the evening. Yes, i was full of energy, but i also didnt loose any weight, which is what i wanted to. I also felt bloated, gassy and i didnt want to consume that much sugar. So i feel better for cutting out the fruit, but i also want to reduce the fat aswell because im having it about 4-5 times a week. Yes im loosing weight, but i feel to heavy. I want to eat more greens like baby leaves.

So there it is!