Thursday 31 December 2009

Telling others you are raw. Dealing with people

Good evening!
I hope you are enjoying your new years eve!

Ive just had some dates which i haven't had in a week! :O and i are a handful and I'm full! trust me, i can eat 50 a night but i got full on about 16 (which yes, i know is still alot!)
I made a nice juice this morning:
carrot, apple, red pepper, radish, ginger and sugar snap peas. Sounds odd doesn't it, but it is actually quite pleasant!

I want to talk about a topic which every raw foodie has been through, or budding rawie is worrying about. The criticism and prejudice you may be faced with when others find out you are raw. So far things have been good for me really. Everyone i tell is very interested and asks me question about it, and because i am so excited by being raw i gush and smile alot when i talk about it and i think this rubs off on others. I often get nice comments like how healthy i look and occasionally someone will say 'are you still on that rabbit food diet' and i will laugh and say yes because i know they mean no harm, and to be honest im glad that people mention it, even if it is in jest, as it means it has made an impression on people and they actually think about it occasionally. I know me being raw has had a good effect on others, because a few people in my like have actually started eating more fruit and trying my food, which they actually enjoy. They ask questions and they learn.
My mum doesn't think i eat enough, so she will always give me fruit and veg when i go round, which i am always happy to accept, but my OH assures her that i actually eat LOADS..too much in fact!
My boyfriend has seen me go from vegetarian to vegan, and then from vegan to part raw, back to vegan and then to raw again so he thinks its just a 'phase' I'm going though.
He knows i eat well, and he will tell people this even if he doesn't say it to my face. He said if we had children i wouldn't be raw though my pregnancy as id need to do the best for the baby. So there is some kind of issue here. I know he doesn't like me raw, he is like most other people in the sense that he is brainwashed by the dairy propaganda and thinks we need it and cooked food. I know otherwise, and i know i wont eat cooked, especially if i get up the duff. Its amazing how people perceptions change when a fetus gets involved. Suddenly we need to drink cow pus and dead food to give the child the BEST possible start in life.
Fuck fresh, living foods that are majorly packed with nutrients, enzymes, vitamins and minerals, lets feed the kid shit, dead, burned, boiled, soggy, chemical laden junk and introduce free radicals as soon as the baby is born. Sooner in fact. Lets give it this crap while it cant refuse, while it is still under full protection and dependence of its mother!!!!!!!!


so now its bad to try and feed the kid good, proper FOOD?

If that is what people consider bad and wrong, then quite frankly i do not want to conceive a child in this world.

Anyway, sorry, i kinda went off on a tangent...back to the point..!

You are always going to be faced with people who don't understand this way of life, who are just ignorant. Its hard enough going vegan, in fact i had more stick from people when i went vegan! People these days, even though it has been proved being vegetarian is healthier, are still very old fashioned in their opinions about food and what is healthy. I think that it would have been widely announced that being vegan is actually healthier than consuming any animal products, but the dairy industry is so big, and their is so much propaganda in favour of it that it is unfortunately going to be a while before the truth comes out. The trousers of dairy have deep pockets and rich friends, and unfortunately money rules.
This is similar to raw vs cooked, except it is so deep rooted in our upbringing and late history that food has to be cooked before it is eaten, that people are actually SCARED of trying the raw version of their fave cooked veg!
Ive found people to be more amazed and interested in my raw eating habits, than the prejudice and criticism i have faced becoming vegan.

You will indoubitably be questioned and scrutinised and perhaps people may feel intimidated because you have taken a higher road. Smile, answer any questions they have factfully and have a sense of humour. Make meeting a raw foodist a pleasure for them and then they wont have anything nasty to say about you or raw food!
No one likes a preacher, so just be happy and yourself and people will be drawn to you, your glow and vitality.
Ignore any nasty comments, walk away because its not worth it. Why argue with someone who thinks a burger and crisps is a healthy meal? its a no brainer!

Enjoy your life, enjoy educating people and enjoy your raw food!

peace out xx

Tuesday 29 December 2009

I love Juices

Hey there
Wow, i have been having so much fun with juices lately. Ive been experimenting with them left right and centre!

My faves so far:
1) celery, cucumber, lime and mint
2) carrot, red pepper, ginger, beetroot and apple

1) This is such a cooling and energising juice. Its flavours are subtle yet slightly sweet, so it goes down very well, and will be enjoyed by even the juice skeptics. You get such a massive energy boost with this juice, i recommend you do not drink it after 5pm unless you are planning to workout, otherwise you will be buzzing all night! WARNING- ingredients in this juice are considered to have diuretic properties!

2) A deep red amazing smooth juice that provides a refreshing kick. It is so full of nutrients that it is wise to not drink too much at a time. 1 glass full is enough! The carrot and apple provides a lovely sweet base which perfectly compliments the earthiness and sharpness of the beet and pepper. The ginger adds an after kick which not only screams 'take notice of me' but that also helps aids digestion and helps prevents colds among many other things. Just be aware that Lots of beetroot may have a laxative effect. Again, major energy kick with this one!

I just feel so energized, glowing and completley full of nutriants. I just feel so fucking healthy!


Monday 28 December 2009

nearly 3 months 100% raw Happy christmas!

Hello all!
Its been such a long time since i have blogged on here. Ive moved house, and not had the internet for goodness knows how long! anyway here i am and i will give you a quick update.

I am still 100% raw with NO slip ups and have been for around 87 ish days- nearly 3 months and im amazingly happy about it

I have lost 11lb, mostly from my hips and my confidence is getting better. I just feel so much better when i look in the mirror now.

My OH got me a juicer for xmas so i have been juicing twice a day and LOVING it! I could just live off them! (and i would if i could bring it too work with me!)
Maximun health here i come!!!!

My fave juices so far are;
Carrot, beetroot, ginger and apple
Beetroot, cranberry, carrot and red pepper
celery, cucumber, parsley and apple

For a while my body has been wanting more simple and mono foods, which i have been happy to provide. I have been eating alot more fats too, which i am going to change in the new year.
I dont mind eating fat. but im eating coconuts twice a week, nuts twice a week and avocados twice a week and i want to limit it to 3 kinds of fat per week. So avocado and coconut once a week and seeds once a week. Im choosing seeds over nuts because they contain more protein. Avocado doesnt contain too much in the way of carbs and protein but is high in fat and calories, as is the coconut, but they both have super nutrients in them so i still want them in my diet. At the moment it is winter, and im very active so all the fat im eating still gets used up.
I have stopped eating so much fruit too (at last!) Im no longer having it at breakfast and as a snack. I did have nothing first thing..well i will be having a veg juice now, then at 10 il have some greens, then at lunch a salad and then in the evening a juice and my fruit, fat or whatever i choose to eat. so im alot more happy with that because if i have a salad and then fruit, i will immediatly crave fruit and want more and it will drive me mad, whereas if i just have a salad it will satisfy me.

I had a lovely christmas dinner. 3 massive beef tomatos filled with delicious avocado and for dessert i made a chocolate tart which was so rich and filling.

I have been wating to grow my own food for a while now, so im going to look into getting an alotment so i can grow all my veg and salad :D Imagine it
Fresh organic lettuce, tomatos, carrots, beeroot, radish, pepper, courgette, swede, turnip etc etc. :D

anyway im going to leave it there for now.

will keep you updated!

peace out x

Tuesday 10 November 2009

the no fruit challenge


Its been a while, so i thought id better update!

I have been trying to eat more simply recently because my body just wants simple fresh foods, but it is proving harder than i thought!
Tomorrow i am going to have celery in the morning for breakfast, stir fry (raw of course!) for lunch with sliced cucumber, and then i have no Id love, in fact i am setting myself a challenge. Tomorrow, i am going to eat NO fruit! veg, salad and water here i come!!

Im really looking forward to it. In fact, id love to do a week with no fruit. I'll see how tomorrow goes and then i'll perhaps do it next week!

Ive been eating more fat the last week, which i want to stop doing. I think its because i have been cold quite alot. I want to continue to loose weight and i dont want fat to be slowing it down. its been making me feel bloated aswell because for some reason i have been binging on it..which of course is NEVER good, even if its raw food.

I was really pleased today because i got a 1/2 bag of dates for £1.44! :O AMAZING! Ive eaten them all though,and im very stuffed and bloated because ive drank loads of water too!

Im a little sad and guilty. Were getting rid of our 2 Bengal cats which my bf has had for 6 years. They will be VERY sadly missed, but its for the best.

Ive also been looking for a new job...well a career. In recruitment or promotions. I want to earn good money!!!!!

well bye for now!

Friday 6 November 2009

Changes in my body-wants

For starters, im no longer putting day...100% raw. I can never remember what day it is, and im not going to knowingly be anything but 100% raw, so there is no point in putting it!

I have noticed that when i have tried to eat food that includes alot of combinations i just dont want them anymore. Im craving simple foods and smaller amounts, which is great because i am getting more aware of my body.

Although i am still wanting my goey chocolate pudding!

From next week i am cutting back my fruit intake :(
im trying to even out my fruit and greens intake, i know that im eating too much fruit, and that i have too much energy and i dont need that much. I dont want to eat that much sugar.

we will see how that goes then!

Monday 2 November 2009

day 29: 100% raw- nearly a month raw- review

I cant believe its been this long! Not only has it been ages since i blogged, but Ive done nearly 1 whole month raw!

I feel great and this is defiantly something that i am keeping to. You have probably gathered that from my other posts, but i though id review everything after a month, and well its nearly a month so i thought 'what the hell, 2 days arnt going to make a difference!'

Ok, so here goes.
Clear glowing skin
weight loss
never going hungry
never dieting
amazing energy
connected to the earth
making positive choices about what i eat and put in my body
being more aware
amazing blood sugar control
learning things all the time
trying new foods ( pomegranate, parmission, papaya, custard apples, hazel, walnuts and Brazil nuts, goji berries, raw cacao, medjool dates, kale, flaxseed, beetroot, sprouts etc)
Learning the amazing things your body can do
learning to love yourself for who you are
your taste changing
the feeling of serenity
feeling different from those around you, because you have felt the power of raw food, and you can see ill health of others

The boyfriend moaning about not being able to go out and eat (although everywhere does salad!)
The cost of fresh food (although the markets provide amazing, cheap food)
Eating too much still
So as you can see, the pro's pretty much outweigh the con's!

Many people ask, or say, 'but your missing out on this' and i say 'it depends what you see as missing out!'
If a smoker offers me a cigarette and i decline, and that person says 'your missing out' i think most people will agree with me, that actually, I'm really NOT missing out!
Or if an omnivore said to me, ' your really missing out on this McDonald's burger'......
why? because I'm not eating some processed, sterilized, awful identical remains of a tortured, ripped apart, diseased, chemical laden animal?
Ha, i hardly call that missing out! In fact, id call that utter torture! why would i want to feed myself that? its not food! my body cant process and get life giving vitamins, minerals and compounds from that!! Its just like drinking and smoking. Its poison. Why would i purposely try and poison my body? its insane.

So its the same with cooked foods. it offers little to no nutrients and life giving force for my cells and body, so why am i going to eat it? So if my body cant use it, its just poison really. Fat, stodge, toxins, free radicals, poisons.

I want to eat life giving, nutrient packed, vitamin and mineral rich, live, raw, healing, cleansing, body and life friendly foods!

Its so weird how my taste has changed too. Before, i hated nuts, not i love eating them, especially brazil nuts. I also cant eat that much fat, it makes me feel yucky.
Talking ofyuvky, i have not stopped eating tonight and i havnt even been hungry. Ive been eating just to fill time. I do it, its one thing i am very guilty of doing and i feel sick right now because i have eaten too much and combined badly!

I bought 2 'raw bars' the other day and it was only when i ate them that i realised they were only 75% raw. This really pissed me off. IF ITS NOT RAW, WHY SAY IT IS!!!??? 75% isn't raw, its high raw, not raw. Raw is wasn't 100%, so it isn't raw, FUCKING TWATS.
Don't advertise something to be raw when it isn't raw. This really gets to me, trying to make something out to be what it isn't.
Well Ive learned my lesson. No more junk food. just fantastic fresh and occasionally dried foods.

Ugh i feel sick............ NOT SO MUCH EATING CHERRY!

Monday 26 October 2009

Day 22: 100% raw- fluffing a fast

Well yesterdays fast didnt go too well. I bought 5 packets of dates and put them in the cupboard.....and well they just kept calling me. I was doing fine on my fast, but then i got a slight bit of tummy ache and thats all i needed to send me after those dates!
I ate 4 packets, and felt awful.
This morning i felt like shit, so i went to work and didnt eat untill lunch time which made me feel a hell of alot better.

Im glad i did it. It taught me a lesson! A big lesson! Trust me, i wont be doing it again!

I bought 3 bags of bananas the other day and they are just starting to ripen, so i am enjoyng those at the minute :D

Im curious to see how many calories and fat i am consuming in an average week so im going to write it all down on a spread sheet, starting from today.

Sunday 25 October 2009

Day 21: 100% raw- 1 day water fast

hey there,
Ive decided that the little 'illness' i have is detox because with a proper illness, it gets worse before it gets better. Well mine is getting better after only a day. To help speed it up im doing another 1 day water fast. I look forward to doing a fast one day a week. It freshens me up and keeps me gagging for that A-M-A-Z-I-N-G raw food!
Its also teaching me better eating habits and gives me time to think. (even though im starving already!)
Id love to do more meditating. I havnt actually done any yet, but last time when i did, it was amazing.

Love the fast that the sky is pure blue. Im going to try and make the most of it today!


Saturday 24 October 2009

The 'stuff you face all day long and STILL loose weight' diet

One thing that i would hope to achieve becoming raw is a little weight loss. Well about a stone. That would be ideal. I don't weigh myself often, but I'm always looking at my 'fat parts' in hope of seeing them shrink. So everyday Ive been looking, and seeing no sign of them getting less flabby until a few days ago i put on a pair of trousers. These trousers used to be quite tight on me, and now they are perfectly fitting, if not a little loose!
This got me thinking. Well OK, Ive actually lost weight! But how much?
I stepped on my friends scales yesterday and was amazed. I have lost 7lb in 20 days!!!!!!!!!!!

The best thing about it? Ive been stuffing my face all day. Ive been eating tonnes of fruit and cacao! I though being high fruit i wouldn't loose any weight, and that i will have to start reducing my fruit intake before i see any weight loss. But NO!!

I can still eat bananas, dates, goji berries, apples, kiwis, satsumas, cacao and coconut oil whenever i want, and this makes me very happy.

Now I'm not saying I'm going to carry on eating so much fruit, because i still want to even out my eating to include more greens, but it means i can stop worrying about the amount of fruit I'm eating and just do it gradually and when my body is truly ready for it.



Day 20: 100% raw. Detox or virus?

I haven't been blogging as much as normal, there is a constant fight for the computer! Also not too much has been going on. Still eating and loving 100% raw foods!!!!!!!!!!!
when ever i think about it and say it i just want to stand up and shout it to the world!

Now funnily enough, in my last post i was saying about how great my immune system is, well i think it jinxed me!
Yesterday i had a bad sore throat, headache, neck ache, my sinuses felt icky and i just felt like shit.
I had some dates, ginger and lemon tea and then went to bed at 9, taking a bottle of water up with me. My sleep was bad, i was cold and restless. I woke up at 7.30 with a fuzzy head, jaw ache and neck ache, i had some water and then continued to try to sleep. Every time i woke up id drink some water. I wake up again at 9.30 feeling ALOT better.My sore throat is nearly gone, I'm not aching as much and i feel better in myself, which is good, because i have a long day ahead of me. (I'm doing an equine sale this afternoon and then in the evening its the local farmers disco)
Ive got another mug of ginger and lemon tea, and i think I'll have some garlic with my lunch later, as its anti bacterial.

Now i don't know if i have this lergy that EVERYONE has at the moment, or if its just delayed detox. I don't normally get ill, which is why I'm questioning whether this could be detox or not, seeing as i actually haven't had any detox since Ive been raw (which i thought was weird)
But then again, I'm not invincible, and i might just have caught this virus! I'm getting a headache, i know that!

I'm still going to the disco, I've already paid my ticket, and my friend is coming, so i cant let her down

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Day 16? 100% raw- Do we even know where eating?


Well i must say i feel good in myself. I have lots of energy, my skin is glowing and i feel healthy and happy.

I must say i have to say a BIG thank you to my immune system. Ive always had a good immune system, hardly ever getting colds and coughs, and even more recently, everyone around me is coming down with coughs, colds, flu's and i just have to laugh to myself, because it just doesn't touch me! So while everyone around me thinks their dying I'm full of life!

Anyway, the reason for the title.

I was steaming some veg for my other half and i just put a fork in one of the broad beans to see if it was cooked and i bought it up to eat it, and it was just touching my lips before i realised OH MY GOD, WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING!!???' I immediately put it back, and it just got me thinking.
How much food do we 'unconsciously' eat?
I just didn't even realise i was doing it, and how can that be possible?

I know raw makes me think about what i eat, and i am guilty of snacking alot, but i chose to eat it, whereas on a cooked diet, i would just eat anything.

Anyhoo I have'nt had any cooked cravings, so im really happy about that and im finding raw really easy so far, but i must say i cannot live without my food processor now! I just love it.

take it easy now! x

Saturday 17 October 2009

1 day water fast, getting hard!

The fast has been easy so far, but now its getting hard! Ive bought some dates and their calling me!
Ive also bought some raw nuts in their shells because I'm going to make a pie.
I don't know whether to do a chocolate one, or berry and banana one...or perhaps i should do 2?

the base: soaked almonds, dates and vanilla or soaked walnuts and seeds with dates

the filling: 2 avocados mixed with cacao powder, coconut oil, dates and cacao nibs or banana (and another exotic fruit) with mixed berries.

Id love to do the chocolate one, but i have ran out of cacao powder and I'm not going to be able to get some until next week, and my avocados are ripe now.

You see, all this thinking is making me crazy! Ive never ate or made a raw pie before, so this is a new experience :D

Friday 16 October 2009

Day...oh i cant remember, 13 i think! 100% raw- SEXY BITCHES LIKE IT RAW!!


I LOVE TODAY!!!!!!!!!! I feel high on raw!
Ive stumbled across a vid on youtube called sexy bitches like it raw:

A fantastic easy dessert.
They seem to sum up exactly how i feel! They are amazing!

Ive had my fave banana and choc pudding again, and ive again eaten too much!
Ive also got some lovely toffee in the freezer made of medjool dates dipped in raw cacao (yummy!)

I hope i forget about them tomorrow, im doing a 1 day water fast again. I didnt get to do it last week and it bummed me out, so im looking forward to it tomorrow :D

bye bye! xx


Wednesday 14 October 2009

Day 10: 100% Raw- My first home made green juice!

With my FAB new food processor i made a great meal which i had today for lunch (which i really enjoyed), i decided to see what else this food processor could do. I thought 'i LOVE green juices, so I'll try and make one'
So i put in some water, 2 carrots, 2 apples and 2 handfuls of spinach, as well as a thick slice of lemon (with peel taken off)
It was pretty lumpy, not like a smoothie, but i poured the mixture into a sieve and squeezed all the juice out.
So I'm sitting here enjoying my 1st FABULOUS juice (even though it is a bit watered down and has a few little lumps)!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to try banana ice cream next!!

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Day 9: 100% raw- i'm in love!

Hello all!
I'm in love!
I have just received a food processor- FREE, off freecycle and i love it! Ive had a little play with it and grated 1/2 a beetroot, 1/2 swede and 3 carrots. It taste so yummy!
Now i have that, i can do so much more with my food. I can now fit tonnes of greens into 1 meal! Hello high greens!!
So for lunch tomorrow i have grated swede, beet and carrot, with blended lettuce head and red pepper, with 1/2 a bag of bean sprouts all mixed together. Think of all those nutrients!!

I have created some more recipes like my fruit cobbler which taste yummy. here is the recipe:

*1 banana
* 1 apple
* handful raisins
* Pinch of Cinnamon
* 1/2 cup of soaked sunflower seeds
* Small handful pumpkin seeds
* 1/2 cup crushed, soaked almonds
* A small palmful of flaxseed

1) Mash the banana and Cinnamon together
2) Dice the apple into small pieces and mix with the raisins
3) Get a bowl and layer the banana on the bottom, followed by the apple and raisins
4) Cover the fruit with the nuts and seeds.
5) Enjoy!

I hope you like it.
The banana adds a moisture to the meal, like a built-in custard!
I'm starting to get a bit more energy now. I feel like my diet has finally caught up with me and I'm starting to feel the benefits of it- thank goodness!
I still haven't had any detox symptoms which is a bit strange, i was looking forward to going through detox, because then id know that it is doing some good to my body and that there was a change going on.

I know my diet is the best it can be anyway, so I'm not too worried, what will be will be!
i know i am starting to get more sensitive to chemicals now- Ive just moisturised with nivea and my hands have just started burning and have come up in rashes which has never happened before!

I feel good. Even better now i have my food processor. Things can only get better!

peace x

Monday 12 October 2009

Confused by raw food?

What is raw food?

Raw food is eating food in its raw, natural state. unheated, unaltered, no preservatives, chemicals or additives.

What do you eat?

* Fresh fruit, veg and salad leaves
* Dried, unsulphered fruits and berries-can be eaten dried or soaked
* Seeds- soaked, dried and sprouted
* beans and grains- sprouted only
* Nuts- dried or soaked (many 'raw' nuts are infact NOT raw due to having been exposed to high temperatures to get them out of their shell)
* Cold pressed virgin oils

Am i doing it right?

There are many different ways of eating a raw diet and these are just a few i have come across:

* High fruit (2/3 of total calories from fruit)
* Low fruit- High greens (as little as 1 piece of fruit a day)
* Low fat
* High fat
* 80/10/10
* Fruitarian
* Fresh fruit and veg only
* Mono eating and simple food combining
* Gourmet
* So long as its raw- eat it!
* Raw vegan, Raw vegetarian and Raw omnivore
* High raw -75%+

After my stint with raw last winter, and my more successful beginning this time round, i have found myself leaning towards a definite high fruit diet. About 3/4 of my calories come from fruit and 2 out of my 3 meals a day are fruit. I'm not saying that this is right, every one is different, and i certainly don't want to be eating high fruit all the time, but at the moment, it is whats right for me. Its what keeps me excited and raw. In the near future, when i have a blender and food processor, i will try and switch to a more balanced raw diet of at least 50% greens.
We all go though phases of eating more of one type of food than another, this is natural, and if someones body is saying 'eat more fruit' then why not do it? This shall pass as our bodies heal and develop, and also as our knowledge and understanding and need of raw food develops and changes.

How do i know when I'm a 'raw foodist?'

After a month, 6 months, a year?

I call myself a raw foodist. why? because i eat 100% raw food 100% of the time, i believe 100% in what raw food can offer me and i want to be 100% raw for 100% of my life!

I wouldn't feel comfortable calling myself a raw foodist if i wasn't 100% raw. Even though i haven't been eating this way for very long, i can NEVER imagine myself eating the way i did before. raw is my life.
This question reminds me of when i first went vegan. I was a bit apprehensive at first, because i was thinking ' can i call myself a vegan? even though i have only been vegan for a day!?' I knew, even before the day finished, that i would never eat or use animal products EVER again- which made me a vegan. If i was 98% vegan, but very occasionally used bee products or conscientiously bought animal products then to me that is NOT vegan. the same goes for raw food IMO.

Now I'm not talking about the odd slip up and cock up, I'm talking about making a rational decision to eat cooked food A raw foodist IMO, wouldn't chose to eat cooked food over raw in any normal situation.

Sunday 11 October 2009

cacao overdose!

Earlier i decided to make double choc chip ice cream with frozen chocolate sauce. Well Ive just eaten the whole tub. it was DELICIOUS! Except now i have excruciating stomach pains and gas :(
oh dear Cherry, you have eaten toooo much!
I think i have over indulged in cacao this weekend and its time to seriously cut it out of my diet for a little while.

Its not the cacao that's giving me the stomach pains, its bad food combining and grazing all day, rather than eating when I'm hungry. I deserve it. In fact I'm grateful for it because it will teach me a lesson. A very painful lesson.

One thing i forgot to write in my previous post was a short dream i had. I'm my dream, it was the weekend and i made a decision to eat normal chocolate. as soon as i ate it i regretted it because i was no longer 100% raw, i had failed myself because i didn't need to eat it, i wasn't craving it and there was no reason for me to consume the chocolate.
When i woke up, i was so relieved it was just a dream. It made me realize how important this lifestyle is to me, and how important it is to me to be and stay 100% raw.

day 7: 100% raw- a shift has happened

Hello all!

For the 1st time in this so far very short raw journey i feel like a major shift has happened in my thinking, eating and way of being. I can now look at the future and see myself 100% raw, rather than thinking, 'I'll be raw for as long as i can but i don't know how long that will be.'
Something has changed and i see cooked as a different world almost. I can see dis-ease and toxins in people, i see fat people and can only imagine what torture they are putting their bodies through, and it makes me sad, and even more determined and happy to be doing this.

I love eating raw and i don't want to eat cooked again. Ive finally realized that I'm actually not missing out on anything by eating 100% raw, and i just see cooked as something completely different, not even something that is edible to me, i can cook a meal for my bf and not feel a thing towards it. I can go into a supermarket and see all these processed foods i used to eat and be so excited to get home because i have in the fridge, a fruit i have never had before.
A fantastic realization that:
I don't miss cooked food
I don't crave cooked food
I don't need cooked food
I don't like cooked food
and most importantly of all..
I don't WANT cooked food!

it feels so good, so liberating. I feel liberated, excited, amazed, in owe, proud, beautiful, happy, grateful and extremely strongly about this lifestyle.

THANK YOU RAW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 10 October 2009

raw day 6: 100% raw weekend!

Hey there,
A year ago, when i first started experimenting with the raw food diet, i was eating raw during the week and then cooked at the weekend. The reason why i did this was because i loved the way raw made me feel, but by Friday i was really wanting, and looking forward to my 'treats', so i carried on like this for a while until attempting to embark on a 30 day 100% raw challenge, which then to me was forever. I wanted to try it, because i was passionate about raw foods. It lasted a grand 12 days and the weekends were the worst. i couldn't have popcorn, cake, cereal, mash, tofu- nothing i loved eating normally.
So at that time i pretty much abandoned hope of being raw until a week ago, when i decided to fast my last weekend being sad, instead of stuffing my face, in welcoming of my new raw lifestyle that i felt i was totally ready for and committed to doing.

So, to me, today has been a land mark. Its Saturday and i am still amazingly and fantastically enjoying being 100 percent raw and cant wait for every day, as its another day to enjoy, learn and live my new, amazing lifestyle.
I have had no cooked cravings since the first day, i am not bored or sick of being raw, i don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, and most of all, my friends and work mates are trying my raw foods and berries, that they have never tried before, and loving them! <3

I have been to my local city today and went to my health food shop and bought seeds, coconut oil, cacao nibs, and apple cider vinegar which i have never had before so i am really looking forward to using it in my next marinade. I went to the market aswell and got kiwis, figs, apples, pears, bananas, peaches, nectarines, passion fruit, papaya, mangos, raisins amongst other things. I have never had papaya or passion fruit before, so i am really looking forward to trying them.

Ive made quite a few things tonight with my new ingredients. I melted some coconut oil and mixed some cacao powder with it and made chocolate covered raisins, banana and goji berries,and then i put them in the freezer- yum! I also mashed a banana and mixed it with the melted coconut oil and cacao and had warm banana and chocolate pudding with cacao nibs, raisins and goji berries. It was so nice and actually quite rich. :)

Im feeling really excited about the coming weeks in my journey and i am wondering if they will get harder. Im also wondering when detox is going to start! I haven't had any signs of detox yet, when last winter, id be raw for 3 days and get massive breakouts.

anyway, i'll keep you updated about my weekend!
peace x

Thursday 8 October 2009

day 4 100% raw

hello again!

Another day successfully 100% raw and loving it.
Again, no cravings today which of course makes me very happy! ( i just have a thing for bananas at the moment!) seriously, so far tonight i have eaten about 7-8 in one form or another!!

i picked up my free blender today, and it doesn't work :( i was SO looking forward to having a green juice, but it just wasn't meant to be :'( i guess I'll just have to save up for my vita mix!

i don't really have anything else to say. I haven't had much energy today which has been annoying, but not the end of the world.

I'll guess ill leave it here for tonight, unless anything interesting happens!

peace x

Wednesday 7 October 2009

day 3 100% raw: raw corn and feelin' good!


Today has been good! I'm feeling full of energy and i have had no cooked cravings.

I tried raw corn on the cob today and i have to say, i loved it! Its so yummy and juicy! i really enjoyed it and it made a nice change to my salads. it gave me loads of energy too, which has been a welcome thing as recently i have had no energy.

Ive just eaten a load of ice cream! made up of about 4 bananas, raisins and Cinnamon. it was SOOO nice i just didn't stop..but never mind! I'm not stressing about it too much, even though i did eat a kiwi, apple AND pear before hand!

i don't care, even if it is full of sugar, every bit of raw is good to me, even if it is full of sugar! ( but that's for insulin to sort out right!)
My candida has been laying low the last couple of days, even though i did have a hypo last night so i ate 3 oranges, i wasn't itchy today which did surprise me.

I'm getting a blender for free tomorrow so I'm looking forward to having some green juices and smoothies. I need to get more greens in me, as i do just rely on fruit way too much, so it will be great just to throw a load of greens together and chug it down.

anyway im off to make my lunch for tomorrow, i'll let you know how the smoothie/juicing goes tomorrow!

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Day 2 100% raw: fruit cravings

Today has been good, i haven't had any cooked cravings, but there is another problem that has come up again that was a problem last time.

Fruit. I'm fine in the morning and afternoon, but in the evenings all i want to eat is fruit, which is a problem. it keeps making my Candida flare up, last time it made me put on weight and upset my digestion quite badly- i had the runs ( although my cellulite disappeared!)

I'm sure when i become more confident in myself being raw and staying raw, i can sort this problem out, i just don't want it to become a problem in the 1st place, and i certainly don't want to be battling with candida the whole time. It will wreak havoc with

Anyway im just going to have to push through it, at the moment, anything to keep me raw!

peace x

Monday 5 October 2009

Day 1 raw: NO energy and mad cravings.


Today has been hard and very confusing for me. Ive been hungry all day, even though i ate loads:
Breakfast: 1 apple chopped up with a handful of soaked almonds, a few goji berries and flaxseed
snack: couple of handfuls of mixed seeds
Lunch: swede, parsnip and carrot sticks with avocado dip
snack: banana

Ive been feeling weak all day and its been driving me nuts. Since ive been back home ive been craving pasta, chocolate, everything bad and cooked! So ive eaten a banana, orange, seeds and a load of raisins (really bad combos there!). The cravings have gone and i know raisins arnt always 100% raw, as they contain sulphur dioxide, but at the moment, its just something to help keep me on the straight and narrow. I nearly did slip up (yes, on my 1st day) but i stayed and im glad!

Im just waiting for my chocolate banana ice cream to defrost a bit and tuck into that awell. Ive been looking forward to eating it since i made it on saturday lol.

anyway, im fine now for the rest of the evening, i have enough goodies to keep me raw!

peace x

Sunday 4 October 2009

day 2 water fast ended early

Well my fast was going really well, i felt no hunger at all but so much weakness, so i decided to end the fast a few hours early because i was scared i wouldn't have any energy for tomorrow at work.
I broke it with a pink grapefruit, which made me feel a lil yucky for a few Min's and then i had some seeds and a frozen banana.
For dinner i have just had some pasta and i feel awful. I feel bloated, sick to my stomach and heavy, as well as now feeling drained. I wish i could just get it all out of me :(

Ive done my lunch for tomorrow though, parsnip, Swede and carrot chips with an avocado and paprika dip.

I bet i'll feel like crap tomorrow morning though!

ugh, i really do feel like crap. Im so looking forward to being 100% raw food tomorrow, and starting afresh, although i wish i hadn't eaten that pasta. ugh, lesson learned.

Im thinking about fasting once a week on Saturday or Sunday. i think it will do me the world of good and keep raw fresh and interesting as well as giving my digestion a little break and help me with any food problems/cravings/ over eating i might be experiencing.

I defiantly think fasting is the way forward. Once i get some money, im going to get a vita mix and do a juice fast/feast.
Ive just watched 'rawreform's' video and she has just broken a 92 day juice feast and she looked amazing!

I find it easier to fast than to restrict my eating because while fasting i cant eat ANYTHING, so im not tempted to eat anything i shouldn't, unlike when im only eating certain things im tempted all the time to eat food i actually don't want to eat.
Im just programmed mentally to want to eat it. Like today for instance i was going past ASDA and i remembered some food i liked. They are redwoods southern fried 'chicken' (soya pieces) and they are big greasy lovely tasting things, but i shouldn't want to eat them...and i haven't had them in like 2 months yet all of a sudden i am really craving them.

I cant remember who said it, but someone i spoke to said that they think that as the body is detoxing all the old cells, there is a taste memory attached to them, so say if you ate chocolate alot, you will go through periods of craving chocolate, or what ever you ate alot of you will start to crave as the body detox's itself.

I just think that's SO true.
Im so looking forward to tomorrow and i'll keep my blog updated.

peace x

Saturday 3 October 2009

low blood sugar

Its 7.50pm and im feeling very weak. Im experiencing low blood sugar which is a little concerning because im not sure how to bring it back up without breaking the fast.
So im just going to keep checking my blood sugar to make sure it is not dropping too much because i DONT want to break it.

Im a little tired because i had a late night last night, so im thinking about turning in early and meditating for a while.

Tried to sleep and meditate, and that didnt work too well! Just squeezed about 2 tbs of juice of an orange into a mug of water and drank that to help keep my blood sugar level so hopefully it wont drop tonight, because if it drops and is low tomorrow i'll have to break the fast to stop my sugars from going dangerously low.
I know i didnt stick to just water but i havnt broken the fast, so im not stressing about it.

And later that day...

Hello again!
Well its still day 1 of the waterfast and it has been great so far. I haven't been thirsty at all (i could have done a dry fast!) and so far my body has been very kind to me.
Ive cleaned the house, done washing and went to down to pick up some bits for next week, and carried 2 heavy bags back (which did wear me out!).
I have had no bad hunger pangs, just little ones that i just easily ignore, ive had energy all day, although i am really low on energy right now so im taking it easy tonight.
Ive just started to get a slight headache which i also get after a full day of raw- i think its the 1st sign of detox .
So im sitting here with my glass of mineral water- only the second drink ive had today.
* I know people are always saying 'you must drink lots of water when your fasting' and all the crap about 8 glasses a day, but to be honest, i just listen to my body about how much i should drink. I mean, if im not thirsty, why am i going to force a glass of water down my throat?*
In town i got some flax oil, raisins, goji berries, kingfisher toothpaste and 3 bunches of bananas.
I made lots of ice cream with those bananas. I did chocolate ice cream, Cinnamon and raisin, goji berry & banana and banana & coconut, as well as freezing a couple of whole bananas, yum!
I smelt the lovely banana fragrance and i wasnt even tempted! I think my body must want to fast!

I did expect today to be a little rougher, i mean im not complaining, but its not been at all like my last one. Ive been able to do everything ive needed to do today, ive been able to think about food without getting cravings or hunger, and ive been able to think about things other than food and it has been so smooth and pleasant! i hope tomorrow is just as good! I have a feeling it wont be, but i am looking forward to it. In fact i wish that i didnt have to go to work next week so that i could carry on my fast!

A 2 day waterfast before jumping right in


Its been a quite exciting few days, i have been thinking alot about the coming weeks and im thinking about going into raw 100% instead of gradually. Doing this will be quite hard but it will pay off (if im successful!) because i will have less reason to reach for sad food if i am not eating it at all and my detox will be more powerful and quicker.

Another thing i decided yesterday was that i was going to do a 1 day waterfast on sunday to help prepare me for monday, and then my boyfriend told me his next tattoo sitting was today (saturday) so i thought hell, il do a 2 day waterfast! An opportunity like this doesnt come along often, im normally doing something at the weekends, so its great to do this while i am able to take a break.

So im sitting here, its 12.27 in the afternoon, a little hungry, nothing major, but excited. Im going to potter around and do some cleaning, blogging, research and im going to pop to down to town and buy aload of bananas so i can make lots of ice cream for next week.

Ive only ever done 1 fast before, and that was a 1 day waterfast. It was so hard. I was constantly thinking about food, BUT i didnt actually get THAT hungry all day! I LOVED the fast, i learned so much about myself. I learned that i could go to bed and sleep without having a full stomach, that just because i am not full doesnt mean im hungry. I have a big problem with boredom eating and i realised during this fast how much more time i have on my hands if i dont eat!!!

I know this fast will be VERY hard for me, i dont have a strong willpower when it comes to food. A few of the things i may go through:

Bad: Hunger, temptation, confusion, sad, low, no energy, lost, and my gemini sides will come out and argue with each other.

Good: Liberation, moments of high energy, freedom, excitement, discovery,

These are some of the feelings i had during the 1 day waterfast, and 1 day is just the tip of the iceberg, as is 2 days. I would love to try a 10 day waterfast in the future, god that would be hard, but amazing!

For now 2 days is enough of a challenge for me!

I am actually a little suprised at myself at this decision to fast before i go raw because normally i would buy a load of bad sugary food and refined carbs and stuff my face before hand because i will no longer be 'allowed' these foods.

Another thing i have a problem with is i often think

'i will no longer be able to eat these foods, or do this again' and i start missing it, instead i need to change that though process to:

'i'll never want that poison again, i cant believe i used to eat that!' It will take time, but i'll get there!!!!!!

Thursday 1 October 2009

Hi there!

Well thats a little about me i hope you enjoyed reading!
It just gives you a little insight about who i am, i know it tells you nothing about what this blog is all about, but that will come later!
This is just a quick note to say all will be explained later when i have the time to write my fantastic intro!

watch this space!
peace x

A little about me

Name: Vegan_bohemian or Cherry
DOB: 25/05/1990
Hair colour: Dark brown
Eye colour: Hazel..sort of a mix between brown, green and more recently, gray!
Health problems: Type 1 diabetic and neropathy
Likes: Horse riding, animals, photography, exercise, adventure, film and acting, travelling, tattoos, piercings, reading, writing and learning
Dislikes: My family, fakes, wonnabe's, mainstream, liers, ignorence, bullies, boredom, workphobics and quite often men!
Music: Murderdolls, enigma, eminem, johnny cash, christina aguilera, pink, slipknot, koRn, beyonce, kayne west, lil wayne
Films: POTC 1, tokyo drift, snatch, FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fave drink: Still bottled water (not evian)
Fave fruit: Dates, Blueberries, apple, cherries, grapefruit
Fave other raw foods: Tomatos, cacao nibs, homemade ice cream, veg juices
Worst habit: Having no will power when cravings appear
Best habit: Only drinking water and enjoying eating healthily

SAD or for me..SED! (standard english diet)
Fave Drink: Vegan chocolate milkshake or bottled still water
fave food: Cerial (shreddies), Crumpets, pasta, STRUDLE, cake...refined carbs!!
Worst habit: Only being satisfied when feeling stuffed, eating all the time, sweet tooth
Best habit: Being vegan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!