Saturday, 3 October 2009

A 2 day waterfast before jumping right in


Its been a quite exciting few days, i have been thinking alot about the coming weeks and im thinking about going into raw 100% instead of gradually. Doing this will be quite hard but it will pay off (if im successful!) because i will have less reason to reach for sad food if i am not eating it at all and my detox will be more powerful and quicker.

Another thing i decided yesterday was that i was going to do a 1 day waterfast on sunday to help prepare me for monday, and then my boyfriend told me his next tattoo sitting was today (saturday) so i thought hell, il do a 2 day waterfast! An opportunity like this doesnt come along often, im normally doing something at the weekends, so its great to do this while i am able to take a break.

So im sitting here, its 12.27 in the afternoon, a little hungry, nothing major, but excited. Im going to potter around and do some cleaning, blogging, research and im going to pop to down to town and buy aload of bananas so i can make lots of ice cream for next week.

Ive only ever done 1 fast before, and that was a 1 day waterfast. It was so hard. I was constantly thinking about food, BUT i didnt actually get THAT hungry all day! I LOVED the fast, i learned so much about myself. I learned that i could go to bed and sleep without having a full stomach, that just because i am not full doesnt mean im hungry. I have a big problem with boredom eating and i realised during this fast how much more time i have on my hands if i dont eat!!!

I know this fast will be VERY hard for me, i dont have a strong willpower when it comes to food. A few of the things i may go through:

Bad: Hunger, temptation, confusion, sad, low, no energy, lost, and my gemini sides will come out and argue with each other.

Good: Liberation, moments of high energy, freedom, excitement, discovery,

These are some of the feelings i had during the 1 day waterfast, and 1 day is just the tip of the iceberg, as is 2 days. I would love to try a 10 day waterfast in the future, god that would be hard, but amazing!

For now 2 days is enough of a challenge for me!

I am actually a little suprised at myself at this decision to fast before i go raw because normally i would buy a load of bad sugary food and refined carbs and stuff my face before hand because i will no longer be 'allowed' these foods.

Another thing i have a problem with is i often think

'i will no longer be able to eat these foods, or do this again' and i start missing it, instead i need to change that though process to:

'i'll never want that poison again, i cant believe i used to eat that!' It will take time, but i'll get there!!!!!!

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